Allstate Roof Coverage: What's Included and What's Not (and How to Make Sure You're Protected)

Residential house with roof replaced

Here in Tulsa, we know a thing or two about roof damage. Hailstorms, wind, those crazy temperature swings – our roofs take a beating. So, when it's time for a repair or replacement, you want to make sure your Allstate homeowners insurance has your back. Let's break down what's typically covered, what's not, and how to make sure you're protected.

What Allstate Homeowners Insurance Generally Covers

Good news first! Allstate's standard homeowners insurance policies usually cover roof damage caused by these common culprits:

  • Hail Damage: Those Oklahoma hailstorms can be brutal. If hail damages your roof, Allstate will typically cover the cost of repairs or replacement, minus your deductible.

  • Wind Damage: Strong winds can rip off shingles, tear off flashing, and cause all sorts of havoc. Allstate usually covers wind damage, as long as it's not caused by a hurricane or other named storm (those often have separate deductibles).

  • Fire Damage: If a fire damages your roof, Allstate will typically cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

  • Falling Objects: This could be a tree limb, a power line, or even a rogue drone. If something falls on your roof and causes damage, Allstate will usually cover it.

What Allstate Might Not Cover

Now, here's where things can get a little tricky. There are some situations where Allstate might not cover your roof damage:

  • Wear and Tear: Roofs have a lifespan, just like everything else. If your roof is old and simply worn out, Allstate probably won't cover a replacement.

  • Lack of Maintenance: If you haven't been keeping up with regular roof maintenance (like cleaning gutters and removing debris), Allstate might deny your claim if damage results from neglect.

  • Pest Damage: If critters like squirrels or raccoons damage your roof, Allstate might not cover it.

  • Certain Types of Water Damage: While Allstate usually covers sudden water damage (like a burst pipe), they might not cover gradual damage from a slow leak.

The Fine Print: Read Your Policy!

Okay, here's the most important thing: read your policy carefully! Every policy is different, and there might be specific exclusions or limitations that apply to your situation. If you're not sure about something, call your Allstate agent and ask for clarification.

Tier-One Roofing: Your Allstate Claims Experts

Dealing with insurance claims can be a hassle. That's why it's smart to work with a roofing contractor who understands the ins and outs of Allstate's coverage. Tier-One Roofing has experience working with Allstate and can help you navigate the claims process, ensure your repairs are done correctly, and get your roof back in shape.
