ACV vs. RCV Roof Replacement: What's the Difference? (and Why It Matters to Your Wallet)

Beautiful house with new roof on a sunny day

Here in Tulsa, we know a thing or two about roof damage. Hailstorms, wind, those crazy temperature swings – our roofs take a beating. So, when it's time for a replacement, you want to make sure your insurance has your back. That's where understanding ACV and RCV comes in.

ACV: Actual Cash Value – The "Used Car" Approach

Think of ACV like buying a used car. It takes into account depreciation – the fact that things lose value over time. So, if your roof is 10 years old and gets damaged, your insurance company won't pay for a brand-new roof. They'll factor in how much your roof has depreciated and pay you the current market value.

RCV: Replacement Cost Value – The "New Car" Approach

RCV is like getting a brand-new car. Your insurance company will pay to replace your damaged roof with a new one of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciation. This means you'll get more money to put towards your new roof.

Why This Matters to You (and Your Wallet)

Here's the bottom line: RCV coverage will typically give you a bigger payout for your roof replacement. This means you'll have to pay less out of pocket. But, RCV policies usually come with higher premiums.

Making the Right Choice: Factors to Consider

So, which type of coverage is right for you? Here are a few things to think about:

  • Age and Condition of Your Roof: If your roof is relatively new and in good condition, ACV coverage might be sufficient. But if your roof is older or showing signs of wear and tear, RCV coverage could save you a lot of money in the event of a claim.

  • Your Budget: RCV policies cost more, so factor that into your decision.

  • Your Risk Tolerance: Are you comfortable paying more out of pocket if your roof is damaged? Or do you want the peace of mind knowing your insurance will cover the full replacement cost?

Tier-One Roofing: Your Partner in Navigating Insurance

Now, I know this insurance stuff can be confusing. That's why it's important to work with a roofing contractor who understands the ins and outs of ACV and RCV. Tier-One Roofing can help you navigate the claims process, work with your insurance company, and ensure you get the best possible outcome for your roof replacement.
