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Vet Got Scammed. We Fixed It.


As you hopefully know, we do our best to give back and help people when we can. An opportunity recently presented itself to do just that and we jumped at the chance.

A 100% disabled Vietnam veteran named Michael Pittman had a tree fall on his roof, damaging it and causing it to leak. Michael, who lives in Stillwater, got in touch with State Farm to get the leak fixed. They gave him a list of “preferred providers” and he called one of the names on the list.

The crew came out to fix the damage but Michael wasn’t sure if the damage was really fixed. In fact, he wasn’t sure what company he actually hired.

Although a check from the insurance company was cashed, he never got a contract or invoice. All Michael got was a business card from Randy Harrison. However, the check was cashed by Bobby Saucier.

The roof was still leaking, Michael was out of insurance money, and neither contractor was willing to honor the agreement.

Thankfully Michael got in touch with News Channel 4 in Oklahoma City. They did some investigating and discovered that neither contractor is a licensed roofer.

State Farm has not said how an unlicensed roofer got on their preferred provider list.

Channel 4 reached out to us and we’re happy to say, Michael’s roof is dry as a bone now. We fixed all the leaks and made sure this veteran got the first class treatment he deserved. Randy also agreed to reimburse Michael half of the money.

This is why we do what we do. It might sound strange, but we think we build a better community by building better roofs. There are plenty of storm chasing scam artists who are more than willing to take your insurance money without ever touching your roof.

Just because the company is on your insurance company’s preferred list, doesn’t mean they’re fully vetted. Make sure the company is local, well established, and has plenty of good references.
