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5 Ways to Thank a Veteran


Another Memorial Day has come and gone, and we hope you took some time to consider what this day means. The holiday was declared an official federal holiday in 1971 to honor the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the country.

While we certainly hope you enjoyed some time off at the lake or caught up on some yard work, we also really hope you took some time to consider everything veterans do for this country.

Veterans deserve everyone’s sincerest thanks, and we try to set a good example by giving back to the veteran community. We want to show everyone that it’s easy to thank a veteran if you just take a little time. Here are some great ways you can thank a veteran everyday.

  1. A Simple Handshake– Thanking a veterans doesn’t have to be some elaborate display. Sometimes just a simple handshake will do the trick. Next time you see a veteran while you’re out and about, shake their hand and say thank you. It doesn’t cost you anything, but it means the world to them.
  2. Pick up the Tab– If you see a veteran at a restaurant or bar, ask the waiter if you can pay for them. Buying a beer or burger is small price to pay for what they’ve done for our country. This is sometimes done best anonymously.
  3. Donate– There are tons of charities that help veterans in all kinds of ways. We love partnering with Soldier’s Wish because they help meet the needs, big and small, for veterans across the country. Honor Flights is another great organization that flies vets to DC and gives them the red carpet treatment the whole way there.
  4. Volunteer- Lots of veterans need help with a lot of things. Your local VFW, VA center, or USO can always use an extra set of hands. Sometimes the most important thing you do at these places is talking and listening with veterans who need some company.
  5. Military Discount– If you own a business or are in a position with enough influence, try offering a military discount for your goods or services. It doesn’t have to be much, but it shows veterans that you appreciate what they did.   

There are plenty of ways to thank a veteran, and if you need more ideas feel free to ask.
